Selamat datang di, blog yang menyajikan Informasi Seputar Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2015. Kami merupakan salah satu jaringan Tjarie Group yang memfokuskan dalam penyebaran Berita Lowongan Kerja Terbaru khusus untuk Warga Negara Indonesia. Mengingat begitu banyaknya pengangguran di Indonesia sehingga meggerakkan hati kami untuk mempersembahkan sebuah sajian yang tentunya bisa berguna dan bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Harapan kami kedepan semoga Tjarie Group bisa menjadi sahabat/partner anda sebagai salahsatu media referensi terpercaya dalam mencari Lowongan Pekerjaan.
Tentunya akan banyak Penipuan berkedok rekrutmen, untuk itu Kami menghimbau kepada para pencari kerja agar selalu ber HATI-HATI dalam proses rekrutmen. Perlu di CATAT dan INGAT TIDAK ADA UANG dalam proses rekrutmen dengan alasan apapun. Bagaimana bisa dikala anda Butuh Uang sementara untuk itu anda harus mengeluarkan Uang sebagai syarat untuk bisa masuk dan lulus seleksi.
Lowongan Kerja 28 Mei 2015 yang akan kami sajikan datang dari PT Diskon Aja Indonesia
Berikut Lowongan Kerja Diskon Aja Indonesia
Profile PT Diskon Aja Indonesia adalah portal yang membantu customer mempermudah pencarian kupon diskon dan promo terbaru dari online store favorit Anda.

Credit: PT Diskon Aja Indonesia
Bisnis PT Diskon Aja Indonesia saat berbelannja online untuk dapat lebih menghemat pengeluaran Anda dengan menggunakan kode kupon diskon dari ribuan online store yang telah bekerjasama dengan kami, yang telah kami sediakan untuk Anda secara gratis dan telah terverifikasi.
Tim DiskonAja secara terus menerus berusaha memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk menjalankan tujuan utama kami dengan cara selalu memperbaharui promo-promo yang sedang berlangsung dari semua e-commerce dan juga memberikan kode-kode kupon terbaru setiap hari. Perusahaan e-commerce yang bekerjasama dengan kami adalah e-commerce yang meawarkan produk kebutuhan Anda sehari-hari, seperti pakaian, makanan, travel, jasa dan lain sebagainya. Kami sangat senang dapat mengundang Anda semua untuk menikmati penawaran kupon-kupon yang menarik dari
Untuk dapat menggunakan kupon yang tertera dalam website kami, Anda tidak perlu membayar biaya apapun. Cara penggunaan kupon diskon ini sangat mudah, Anda cukup menentukan online store favorit Anda, lalu ikuti petunjuknya.
Batas Lamaran: 27 Juni 2015
PT Diskon Aja Indonesia dalam perkembangan bisnisnya memerlukan tenaga prefossional untuk menunjang kesuksesan usaha tersebut, saat ini sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bulan Juni 2015. Dalam proses rekrutmen ini salahsatu syarat dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan minimal lulusan S1 bersedia ditempatkan di Indonesia. Penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai posisi yang dibutuhkan dapat dilihat pada sajian lengkap dibawah.
Business & Market Development
Basic Qualifications:
• Maximum 30 years old
• Candidate must possess (or pursue) a Bachelor's Degree in
Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics, Marketing, Commerce or equivalent
• Both recent graduates /mid-career
Responsibilities will include:
• Build client relationships within (online) retail industry
• Identify and prioritize target customers
• Prospect, approach and negotiate with potential and existing business partners
• Conduct follow up
• Research, define campaign strategy and deliverables plan
• Monitor, track and evaluate partnership performance
• Develop strategic partnerships
• Work closely with other internal departments to develop and optimize operations
• Stay up to date on industry trends and best practices, focusing on how changes can help improve offerings to accounts
• Actively seek for innovative ideas and tactics to improve efficiencies
• Actively contribute to recruiting.
• Ability to speak fluently to executives, business development leaders, product managers, and engineers
• Ability to manage multiple projects at one time
• Extroverted, Pragmatic and results oriented personality, yet strong attention to detail
• Time commitment beyond 9-5 (building internet companies is challenging and needs high level of energy)
• Desire to learn
• Ability to work in a team and cross-team environment
• Proficiency with Microsoft
• Office tools including Excel, Word, Powerpoint etc.
• Aptitude for both strategic thinking and tactical execution
• Exceptional communication and presentation skills
• eCommerce experience a plus.
• Maximum 30 years old
• Candidate must possess (or pursue) a Bachelor's Degree (or higher) in Design/Web Development and/or IT related studies
• Minimum one year design experience
• Both recent graduates/mid-career.
Responsibilities will include:
• Producing full design layouts (typographic/photographic/illustrative) and final production
• assets for graphics, website optimization, mobile websites, online banners, emails, print
• advertising
• Create engaging and beautiful content for our website, landing pages, blog and social media (multi-channel) following latest
• SEO best practices
• Revise other team members graphical and web content, ensure quality and alignment with our brand
• Design and deliver online campaigns via Email Marketing, PR, AdWords, Online Banners or other appropriate media
• Take on ad hoc design projects as needed
• Ability to communicate fluently with executives and with other departments
• Ability to solve problems and work independently on multiple projects at one time
• Strong attention to detail, yet hands-on approach
• Creativity and great brand and marketing understanding
• Excellent graphic design portfolio and experience creating graphics and editing photos in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator/Indesign
• Strong understanding of HTML(5), CSS(3), JavaScript, and responsive web/mobile design
• Experience with Dreamweaver (or similar code editor)
• Ability to effectively communicate through graphic design
• Ability to work peacefully and proactively in a team environment
• Online Marketing and online Retail experience a plus.
Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia, English (fluent preferred)
• Maximum 30 years old
• Candidate must possess (or pursue) a Bachelor's Degree in
Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics, Marketing, Commerce or equivalent
• Both recent graduates /mid-career
Responsibilities will include:
• Build client relationships within (online) retail industry
• Identify and prioritize target customers
• Prospect, approach and negotiate with potential and existing business partners
• Conduct follow up
• Research, define campaign strategy and deliverables plan
• Monitor, track and evaluate partnership performance
• Develop strategic partnerships
• Work closely with other internal departments to develop and optimize operations
• Stay up to date on industry trends and best practices, focusing on how changes can help improve offerings to accounts
• Actively seek for innovative ideas and tactics to improve efficiencies
• Actively contribute to recruiting.
• Ability to speak fluently to executives, business development leaders, product managers, and engineers
• Ability to manage multiple projects at one time
• Extroverted, Pragmatic and results oriented personality, yet strong attention to detail
• Time commitment beyond 9-5 (building internet companies is challenging and needs high level of energy)
• Desire to learn
• Ability to work in a team and cross-team environment
• Proficiency with Microsoft
• Office tools including Excel, Word, Powerpoint etc.
• Aptitude for both strategic thinking and tactical execution
• Exceptional communication and presentation skills
• eCommerce experience a plus.
Graphic Design & Web Developer
Basic Qualifications:• Maximum 30 years old
• Candidate must possess (or pursue) a Bachelor's Degree (or higher) in Design/Web Development and/or IT related studies
• Minimum one year design experience
• Both recent graduates/mid-career.
Responsibilities will include:
• Producing full design layouts (typographic/photographic/illustrative) and final production
• assets for graphics, website optimization, mobile websites, online banners, emails, print
• advertising
• Create engaging and beautiful content for our website, landing pages, blog and social media (multi-channel) following latest
• SEO best practices
• Revise other team members graphical and web content, ensure quality and alignment with our brand
• Design and deliver online campaigns via Email Marketing, PR, AdWords, Online Banners or other appropriate media
• Take on ad hoc design projects as needed
• Ability to communicate fluently with executives and with other departments
• Ability to solve problems and work independently on multiple projects at one time
• Strong attention to detail, yet hands-on approach
• Creativity and great brand and marketing understanding
• Excellent graphic design portfolio and experience creating graphics and editing photos in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator/Indesign
• Strong understanding of HTML(5), CSS(3), JavaScript, and responsive web/mobile design
• Experience with Dreamweaver (or similar code editor)
• Ability to effectively communicate through graphic design
• Ability to work peacefully and proactively in a team environment
• Online Marketing and online Retail experience a plus.
Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia, English (fluent preferred)
Cara Melamar:
Bagi Anda yang tertarik serta memenuhi persyaratan dari Lowongan Kerja Diskon Aja Indonesia Juni 2015, segera kirimkan berkas lamaran anda (Application letter, resume/CV, expected salary, supporting documents and color photograph at size 4 x 6 cm) pada alamat berikut:
PT Diskon Aja Indonesia
(Attn: Willy Hadikoesoemo)
(Attn: Willy Hadikoesoemo)
Sumber Kerja
Demikian informasi Lowongan Kerja Diskon Aja Indonesia Terbaru Juni 2015 yang dapat kami sampaikan kepada Anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Harapan kami anda diterima dan lulus seleksi sehingga menjadi bagian dari perusahaan tersebut. Amin